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Title 1: What it means for our school

Greenwood Elementary is a Title I school.  The term “Title I” refers to schools that receive additional federal funding through the terms outlined in the Every Student Succeeds Act. The Title I program is the largest federally funded education program in the United States.  Its purpose is to assist public and private schools with high concentrations of economically disadvantaged students.  Through the provisions of Title I, additional funding is allocated to the school to help close achievement gaps and provide all students with a greater chance for academic success.  Title I programs operate at the whole-school level, ensuring that every child that attends Greenwood is a beneficiary of Title I funds in some way.

According to the conditions of the law, Title I programs must further three distinct objectives: (1) improve student achievement for all children, (2) improve faculty and staff development, and (3) improve parental and community involvement.  Greenwood’s Title I funds are primarily dedicated to bringing highly qualified personnel into the school that help students in class, small group, and individual settings to achieve greater proficiency on grade level-concepts.  We hire additional teachers to reduce class sizes, ensuring smaller teacher-to-student ratios.  Aides are employed to provide greater classroom support and tutor students in small group settings.  Funds are also used to acquire resources and materials that improve the learning process in our classrooms, as well as to provide staff development opportunities.

Documents and Plans

In accordance with Title I policy, our school maintains a school-wide Title I plan, parent involvement policy, and a parent-school learning compact outlining the responsibilities of parents, students, teachers, and the principal to raise student achievement.  You may receive a full copy of any or all of these documents in the school’s office.  Below you will find our Title 1 plan summary, Parent-School Learning Compact and the Parent Involvement Policy for your review.

2022-2023 Report Card

State Required Assessments