- AM 9:15-12:00
- PM 12:45-3:30
Kinder pickup west side U turn.
Autism Pre School
- AM 9:15-12:15
- PM 12:45-3:45
Meet the teacher at the center entrance on the north side.
Grades 1-6
- 9:15-3:30
Lunch & Recess Schedule
Remember that students go to recess before eating lunch.
- 1st Grade 11:25-12:10 (lunch 11:45)
- 3rd Grade 11:30-12:15 (lunch 11:50)
- 2nd Grade 11:45-12:35 (lunch 12:15)
- 4th Grade 11:50-12:40 (lunch 12:20)
- 5th Grade 12:05-12:55 (lunch 12:35)
- 6th Grade 12:10-1:00 (lunch 12:40)